1965 1970
1979 1980 1981 1982 1987 1988 1991
2015 1994
2017 2018 2019
2020 2021
getting ready for the first day of kindergarten
what a wonderful time the years of primary school, boys only... the five rascals ... yes, boys only
my first promise "on my honour, I promise that I will do my best – to do my duty to god, and the queen, to help other people at all times, to obey the scout law."
my first trainee job as a fabric designer
my first job as a graphic artist
my first trip far away from Hong Kong, alone... in Tehran تهران, Iran
back to school, again... my first demonstration against Margaret Thatcher's cuts
a street life after school – working as a street portrait artist 3000km of hitchhiking in 68 days, from London to Athen... ... in love with Florence, the city of art
back to school at SACI in Florence, painting and sculpture
beside school, a street portrait artist under the «Galleria degli Uffizi» my first social engagement, how nice to make orphans smile my first solo exhibition in «CSI di G. La Pira» in Florence Cleveland for school or Milan for work? where should I go? Italy or USA? one of the hardest decisions in my life...
my first atelier and full-time job as an art director in Milan
10 months backpacking in Asia, an unforgettable experience...
«it's time to make a change, find a girl, settle down, to get marry...» my first atelier in Wettingen, Switzerland thank you to my lovely wife to upgrade me as a father... a beautiful baby boy! a perfect gift from my wife for the international women's day... a baby girl slaves of the ordinary!
working as a full time graphic designer in Zurich

stay tuned – life is under construction...

the sky won't be always blue, some day it turns to black... it is a principle of nature, which no art can overturn. It is part of life... with every sunset, a new day is born. back on track... making art in my new studio in Oberrohrdorf.
welcome to my new atelier in Niederrohrdorf with a "great view".
(EIGHT to EIGHT) year of the monkey – where it all began re:turn – one of the most prestigious solo exhibition after 30 years. happy!
in niederrohrdorf :-(
my first exhibition in China, the Chinese art museum...
 alpha beta gamma delta epsilon êta iota kappa lambda mu omikron...

© tsunshan samson ng

last updated: may 2024